Proud to be back to where many of our 2nd home, lovely Chiang Mai. Thanks also to the continued support from Khun Warunee and the DTW Hotel.
Our 27th Tour at one stage was never going to happen, however with continued support from over the world in London & forever Bahrain/Awali, Newcastle (Oz), Korea, Melbourne, support in Thailand and back in Perth, we have again managed to get things into order and put a brilliant Tour Squad together.
This year a couple of Chiang Mai Tour Virgins along with returning loyal Postels are back, really promises to be another very special tour.
Feel free to pop in and say hello to us the always happy Perth Postels team.
Benn Scheffer
Holidaying in Thailand in Phuket and has decided to join with his Unkle Ike to see lovely Chiang Mai. Just graduated and at 19 really becomes a big part of the Perth Postels Youth Drive. Another Postels Tour Virgin, I am sure the Slammer Sessions will be a big welcome for him.
Darren "Boner" White
Welcome to another Perth Postels Virgin 2025. "Bulli has been trying to convince "Boner" to join us in Chiang Mai for a while and has finally succeeded. We will be doing our best to keep Darren away from the bad influences of Bulli, Sat and others, especially after dark, or will it be "Boner" influencing the Awali lads?
Eddie "Rimmo" Rimmington
Eddie has been a very welcome Perth Postels member both on and off the field since last years first tour. Always helpful with tour shirts and other support, he has really added great value to our group. A couple of our experienced Postels were able to give Eddie a good background perspective of Chiang Mai as a city last year. So we expect a much more rounded approach in this lovely city!.
Recently Eddie was seen on TV a lot with his plastic Kangaroo at the 2nd Cricket Test in Galle, Sri Lanka where he was a popular hit!
Ian "Reds" Liddell
A welcome back to Chiang Mai to Reds. Former player of the excellent "Warathai's" of years gone by, now living in Southern Thailand. A great friend and firm supporter of the Chiang Mai Cricket Sixes from the late 1990's. A brilliant player who could Bowl, Bat, Catch and has a lightening throw still today. His other main game in his youth was Baseball where he represented his state NSW at Junior level. Looking forward to a valued catch up with Reds! His other main passion is of course Golf!
Ike Bekker
A welcome back to Ike (we hope) for his 2nd Chiang Mai Sixes event. Ike travels up from Phuket where he is a good part of the cricket fraternity down there. Played a couple of most memorable innings last year and is a jolly happy guy to have around in our touring group to keep us on our toes.
Karl "Shapel" Prescott
A welcome back to Karl to Chiang Mai. Sadly last year a bad injury to Karl meant that he was unable to join us on tour, this really frustrated him. So finally a huge welcome to him. He is a very keen cricketer, originally a "Kiwi" he now calls Perth home. A good friend of our loyal Perth Postel "Morro", Karl will always put a 100% effort in on the cricket field. He loves to brew his own booze, so not overly looking forward to his Vodka?
Pavit "Pav" Grover
Wonderful to have Pavit again with us after his fantastic break out year for Perth Postels. He, like Eddie is really adding to the group and tour in many ways. We really enjoyed his local knowledge, but also his international input. It was wonderful see him fit it with us Postels and we really look forward to welcoming Pav back.
Rob "Little Bob" Hope
I have been reliably informed that "Little Bob" has been through a fitness campaign and is ready to go. A good player in his day, we are really looking forward to seeing him wind back the years,
Working in the Middle East Rob sadly cannot fully finalise his place as yet, however our fingers are crossed for a welcome back to Chiang Mai.
(Former Awali player)
Rosano "Rosco" Martins
Rosco has become a "Regular" in Chiang Mai, able to add some local knowledge to the Postels Tour. A Former Aust. Post worker that has developed another trade in Selling Real Estate and doing a very good job of it. Loves his cricket and visiting Optus Stadium in Perth, as the attached photo shows. Keenly supports the group and the tour, it is brilliant to always have him steadying the ship!
Terence "Terry" Paiva
The first of our Perth Postels "Tour Virgins", it is wonderful to welcome this very nice guy to our group. A most handy cricket player, we truly need his youth and agility to the squad. We as a group are doing our best to add some depth to the playing squad and we are confident that Terry will add this.
Barrie Radburn
Former Chiang Mai Sixes Committee man and Awali Chairman, Barrie was one of our Postels neighbor for years. Now joining us each year to enjoy the joint banter is brilliant and enjoyable to have him supporting us while at the ground.
Gavin "CI" Shaw
A past Player and Tour Sponsor, as well as Retired Chiang Mai Sixes Umpire, CI concentrates more on Gin Making nowadays. Had a couple of good playing years with us and helped us with sponsorship during the dark days of Covid 19. Will be great to see Gavin again in Chiang Mai and probably Bangkok. Also loves the odd Guitar session as well around Melbourne and Soi Cowboy!
Geoff Stearn
Geoff is one of the biggest supporters, not only for us the Perth Postels, but also the Chiang Mai Cricket Sixes generally and Junior Development. Has always enjoyed his time helping the Juniors improve, contributing in training and financially wherever he can. Geoff is always coming up with constructive ideas to help out. Quite happy to have a laugh and joke, truly a fine gentleman.
He also has a passion is Classical Music and contributes greatly to this Art Form via Orchestra's in Perth and Sydney.
Gerrard "Bulli" Hall
The true English Glue of the Perth Postels, he is the mainstay so that the Awali crew can join us to ensure of a brilliant tour. Not overly good at handling the Vodka Slammer sessions, hence the Nickname "Bulli", as he holds very little down. Enjoys the odd night out around town, always adding a hilarious twist to a fun night out.
Gerrit "Cloggie" den Ouden
A welcome back to Gert after a long while, our valued Dutch member is always partial to Karaoke Oldies. He has a dislike of a certain dinosaur, but if you need Precious metals, soap or wooden footwear he is your man.
Ian "Judge" Kellow
Hear now, the Court is in session. Ian the Judge calls this after every Perth Postels game and certainly makes everybody pay! Very shrewd and funny, is right on to any misadventure on or off the field. We always need to watch our performance no matter what time of day it is. Living locally in Thailand, however never seems to "be alone", as his whereabouts is always in question!
Ian "Pappa" Steele
A welcome back to Ian, formally from Queensland Australia, now calls Thailand home. His better half "Luvee" attempts to keep in check, however I doubt that she has much success. Was a decent cricket player in his day and always keen to help if called upon. Enjoys the odd beer or two to be social, has really enhanced the Perth Postels since he joined the squad.
Kevin "Nemo" Lovegrove
A total pleasure welcoming "Nemo" to the Perth Postels tent again, after so many great years as our Neighbor of the mighty Awali Taverners. Along with Tiny, Kevin remained a great link between both our teams. A legend with his humour and wit, as well as his capacity to simply keep going all night long. Last years Postels Social Drink with Nige and the Stuffed Beavers, was a big one for Nimo, it is was what legends are made from!
Luke "Worzel" Quirk
After a meeting the the local AA, Bulli Satnav and Cat managed to entice Worzel back to Chiang Mai to sample the delicacies. Loves a good drink, laugh and chat, looking forward to his brutal wit and banter.
Michael "Cat" Maher
First toured to the Chiang Mai Sixes in 1996, this is "Cats" 27th Tour to this wonderful tournament. 2 new Hips, recovered right foot infection after almost loosing it, if needed will be better placed to at least take part on the field this year. Previous Cup Winner and Runner Up twice, those glory days are well and truly gone. Of course we can all live on memories, as Cat does each year that he is able to return to Chiang Mai.
Satpal "Satnav" Hunjan
Named as a Player ONLY if needed, as strict instructions were, "Not playing this year". Our Postels hidden talent, both on and off the field. Nothing he does shocks me any more, always brilliant to share a good chat and laugh with Sat. I have never met anybody that knows the Ins and Outs of London or Chiang Mai like him!
Stan "Humpty" Spink
A big welcome back to Stan after a years Sick Leave in 2024. Thank goodness now he is much better and again able to join us for the tour. Stan always acts as the Team Manager at the ground, also keeping an eye on things to ensure that all runs smoothly. Has again produced and supplied the Team Tour Cap which is always a special Take Home memory of the tour. I know he is really looking forward to this trip to Thailand, welcome back.