As we saddle up and head off to Changers for the ’25 edition of the Sixers, it is with great pleasure I look over our team sheet this year. After a couple of lean tours struggling to field a team, we this year have a great mix of old stagers, virgins, veterans and I’m told one or two who can still play a bit. Oh, and Kippy.
Word is the Panther is again well rested and travelled; after last year’s appearance one would hope bathed as well. Having maintained contact in the off season Eater assures this is the case, though experience suggests this may be unreliable intel.
Post Covid I’m sure the organisers were hoping for a couple of easy years, sadly Chairman Xi opened his gates and the deluge was disastrous. Cannot believe the condition of the ground and the amount of work that has surely gone into preparing for this years event. So a very big thankyou to all involved in the effort, from all of us.
Alby Svenson
Tour Virgin
Never met the guy though am reliably informed has questionable taste in , well , pretty much everything. I reckon I’m going to like him straight off the bat. (..and no, that’s not me trying to be clever).
Aparently a house flogger from Geraldton, so clearly there are going to be some issues here. Hangry tells me he’s a skinny little fucker, keen on the shirtless look with a pair of Stubbie’s short shorts and the old double pluggers – Yeah, he’ll be fine…….
Hangry says he is the best cricketer on the team so expectation is high, very high, hat tricks and 30 run retirements high, according to Hangry.
A bit outdoorsy and fond of a camera.
A very warm welcome to the Tav’s Alby, don’t f..k it up…..
Anthony Barranca - Fuzz
Never ceases to amaze why this guy still makes the effort with us lot. Has of late been zigzagging the globe playing national level representative cricket, to a very high standard and with great success. A wonderful cricketer, an even better bloke, we are are very lucky to have him onboard once more.
I must once more advise of a lesson learnt hard - do not , under any circumstance, allow him in your room after midnight. JUST. DON'T. DO. IT.
Does life flat out, great on the filed, a cracking bloke off the field, bit of a menace on the street and is the team 'keeper - so just the right kind of batshit crazy'
Calvin Ziverts
Tour Virgin
Hangry tells me this guy’s a cracker of a bloke, though being one of those FIFO fools, and having yet to meet him I am going to have to reserve judgement here. A tour virgin, very welcome nonetheless and great to have you on board - haha, good luck…!
Known to be a prodigious polisher of the pearl, lover of golf ( dull as dishwater), V8’s ( complete knucklehead) and one suspects a fan of the old double denim ensemble, we are told he also is something to behold on the pitch. It is usual for the tour virgins to talk themselves up, quite another for the skipper to do so on their behalf – so no pressure then…. Apparently fond of the miners, or minors (Hangry tried but just couldn’t be sure) he will likely take to Changers like a duck to water.
This being only his second trip OS, a little space here might be wise…….
Crispian Marcar - Kippy
One of those guys that takes up a lot of space when he walks into a room – big smile, big personality, booming voice. Bumbling buffoon at a fine session, though to be fair, just gets there quicker than the rest of us.
Great to have him touring again this year, goes hard in the tent, harder after dark, but always fronts up and gives it a red hot go on the ground. Consummate team man, the Tav’s just work better with him around.
Now Kippy, about that name – what the f..k …???
Dave Cooney - Blue Vein
Ever wondered who it really was Warnie shitcanned back in the day ? BV usually gets a game late in the tournament when all hope for the Tav’s is lost. Head on down to the Gymkhana grounds and marvel at this felon running around in his whites - “can’t bat, can’t bowl, can’t throw” – yes, it’s pretty clear, it was this guy.
Saddleing up for his 12th or 13th tour ( no one is quite sure ), likes to think he always contributes where he can, most often attempting to keep the food vendors solvent single handed.
A conundrum wrapped up in an enigma, it never ceases to amaze this guy manages to avoid arrest.....
Geln O'Brien - Scratcher
It gets harder and harder to each year write something fresh about this guy. Lives life like a bull at a gate, chomping at the bit for whatever comes next.
Such enthusiasm inevitably leads to an at times impressive trail of destruction and devastation around the team – the man has the constitution of an Ox. There are many better than me have come a cropper in his wake.
Has this year found himself unburdened of a few life commitments and, for the first time in all the years I have known him, arrives at the Sixers unemcumbered.
Pray for us……….
Lee Carr - Carrie
This bloke has been around the block a few times and nonetheless remains a very welcome return to the touring party. Just hasn’t been the same without you around, taking the pressure off us at the fine sessions Carrie…..
Word has it is keen for a game or two, and having lost a wee bit of pace over the years Hangry tells us may or may not have been putting in a few miles on the training track, Expect a few quick singles and loves to run those fours, just loves ‘em. Has been seen lurking around a few lawn bowls rinks recently and has apparently developed quite the outswinger – let’s hope we have no Trevor Chappell aspirations come to the fore out the pitch……..
Oh Yeah, loves a fine session........
Ryan Greenwell - Eater
Surprisingly' and in stout defiance of both last year's and subsequent shenanigans' gears up for round two at the sixers. A cracking good bloke, well liked by all ( in particular bar staff the length and breadth of Loi Kroh ), we are fortunate indeed to have him back on board.
Fond of a drink, good on the tooth and easily the teams pro listener ( loves a chat ), Eater is just a great guy to have around. Took to the panther last year in an uncomfortably enthusiastic manner, no doubt will have much wisdom to confer on this year’s custodian, whether they want it or not.
Scott Jordan - Hangry
Fronts up for his third swing through the land of smiles and resumes his relentless drive to domination of the Tav’s. Having assumed control of a severely covid era depleted team, this guy has effortlessly assumed command despite the fact he looks happy when angry, and angry when happy – Hangry. Quite the party trick really.
Fearless both on and off the field, alarmingly energetic and magnificently intolerant of fuckwits, we could not have found a finer nutter to lead the us now that Scratcher can’t be f..ked anymore.
The caveat, though, remains his decision making. Clearly in the grip of what appears an obvious first midlife crisis, has gone full malarky and done the soft top sportscar thing – albeit one with the steering wheel in the wrong spot - hmmmm.