

The Armadillos are a motley crew of old men, Amber, drunks, idiots and Brentford fans. As well as increasing age, the size of stomachs is hitting the team hard, with only the ever sleeping Kev still with a waist of under 40 inches.

We welcome John Dee as a spectator on his first ever tour and the return of Bob Le Hardon to cheer on the team, but sadly Doggo is not allowed to attend this year. Bearing in mind Doggo has previously scored 90% of the runs and taken 90% of the wickets, the Armadillos will be hard pushed to progress far in the Spoon in 2025.

Jamie is looking forward to his 2nd tour and has hopefully learnt a lesson in that one should never take on the Malakas in the session after the game. Jamie is still recovering from last April.

As always we look forward to meeting up with old friends with our main aim, as always, being to finish higher than the Stuffed Beavers!


Round One (Gentlemen)

Date Time Team 1 Score Overs Team 2 Score Overs Result
30/3 11.30 Armadillos 0.0 Tokyo Oyajis 0.0
31/3 11.30 Sons of Pitches 0.0 Armadillos 0.0
1/4 14.45 NT Bushrangers 0.0 Armadillos 0.0

Armadillos Players

  • Amber Cousens - Ambs

    Worries PC to bits when she is out here. Kev says he will look after her which is a worry in itself. Still talking of going to see Jackie and Suzie in Australia so the onus will be on them this tour to keep this young Cousens on the straight and narrow to ensure she makes it out to Aussie land sometime in the future!

  • Gary Darbyshire - Gazza the Character

    One of the many Brentford mafia on tour.

    Gaz has improved his language in the last day or two and now is now a genuinely fine character.

    In previous years he has had a habit of disappearing into the night but somehow still managing to stay alive, returning a day or two later.

    Last year having decided that Kev was too old to wicket-keep, Gary took over the gloves concentrating on every ball as can be seen from his photo.

  • Jamie Tilt - TiltBee

    TiltBee is on his second tour and is throughly looking forward to meeting the Malakas again.

    With Tiltbee's mate, Trevor Langworth (Perth Postels) not being allowed to attend for the second year running, Tiltbee is hoping that Max and Harry will again educate him in the highs and lows of Chiang Mai.

    TiltBee's picture shows his high point of the tour in 2024 and how he coped with a session with the Malakas.

  • Kevin Antonio - Sleepanywhere

    After many years of pretending he will come to the sixes 'next year' Kev returned in 2024 and we are delighted to announce that he enjoyed it so much that he is returning this year too.

    There is no doubt that along with his habit of sleeping, he will also continue to forget when it is his round as he does in England.

    It is great to have Kev along as one of the originals and a long standing member of this rather ageing team.

  • Kim - Kim

    A long friend of Kev's and by the law of averages must be very skint due to buying Kev many drinks over the years.

    Kim's first tour and rumour has it that he can bowl straight (30 years ago). This is not normal for anyone in the team, but we are sure that by the end of the week, Kim will be bowling as wide as the rest of us.

    With no picture of Kim, we resorted to Kim's favourite picture of Kev.

  • Neil Hutchison known to his friends as Biff/Mr Grumpy/Mr Sparkle

    As always, great things are expected of this man and it is hoped his nickname of Mr. Sparkle is shown on the pitch as well as off.

    The longest standing (until 10pm) member of the team, and whilst another year older, is most certainly another year grumpier. The elder statesman of the team by a long long way.

  • Paul Cousens - aka PC/Headless

    PC has been looking forward to meeting up with all the sensible people in Chiang Mai such as Harry of the Malakas who scares the life out of him, Ross from the Divine Felons and of course all the Stuffed Beavers.

    As always Amber has promised to look after PC, unless she has been Malakared and is struggling like the rest of the team.

Armadillos Supporters

  • John Dee

    John is yet another Brentford fan and along with his wife is a season ticket holder. This is the first time John has been to Thailand and he is worried about meeting snakes, insects and the Malakas.

    Jamie has said he will look after him and show him the way to drink with our friends.

  • Robert Harding - known to most as Bob Le Hardon/Boff

    Bob is returning this year after a few years off. A true fan having decided about 7 years ago in his only game, that he was never going to play again due to the ball going past his nose at about nearly 4 miles an hour.

    Along with Skeggs, Bob Le Hardon is one of the most generous men in the team and can always be found at the bar buying drinks for all especially when Kev has forgotten (yet again) that it is his round.

  • Skeggs - Skeggs

    No one knows his real name. Has the ability to drink enormous amounts of beer without falling over.

    Whilst originally a Tottenham fan, Skeggs knows that to make the cut as a supporter of the Armadillos, he must be a Brentford fan. He has pushed this to the limit by not only buying a season ticket at Brentford for himself, but also one for his wife.

    His fine picture shows him smiling whilst admiring the play at Brentford's new ground.

  • Tak - Tac

    Tak showing great control after a day out at Brentford.