Sons of Pitches

Sons of Pitches

Sons of Pitches. Year number 9 but many of us have been competing in the competition for 20 years with another Newcastle team. A Big bunch (size wise) of interesting individuals from Vacy and Newcastle in NSW. We have many of the usual suspects but a few have been kind enough to let the family come, some of the family have also created a new girls team (how quick did that happen :). So we do have a few virgins on tour who we are certain to have a great time. Lovers of cricket, beer, good friends and good conversation although we may be a little hard to understand after a few late nights at the bars in Chiang Mai. Come and say hello we are always up for meeting new friends and old friends as well. This competition has given us the opportunity to support the cricket in Thailand as well as make great friends who we are lucky enough to catch up with each year.


Round One (Gentlemen)

Date Time Team 1 Score Overs Team 2 Score Overs Result
30/3 09.00 Sons of Pitches 61/0 5.0 NT Bushrangers 62/0 2.0 Lost by 6 wickets
31/3 11.30 Sons of Pitches 0.0 Armadillos 0.0
1/4 12.00 Sons of Pitches 0.0 Tokyo Oyajis 0.0

Sons of Pitches Players

  • Adam (Dump No 81) Hicks

    Well Adam (Dump) Hicks is one of our tour virgins this year. This legend is one tough nut, loves his cricket and loves his coke. As the younger brother of wombat he has decided its time to teach the older brother how its done this year. he has bought the family for support who are also tour virgins who we are sure will attend the slip and slide session for all virgins to the tour. If you want to know about any kind of animal in Australia he can probably help you out as he has most of them at home. The lovable hard working man will be a great asset to our team and the only one sober. By the way don't let the red hair fool you. He is not the fiery one in the family.

  • Adam (NO SHOW/ ANACONDA) Leeming

    No Show has been living up to his name for the last couple of tournaments and were not sure where he actually is now so IF NO SHOW DECIDES TO SHOW he will once again baffle the batsmen with his lofty pedestrian paced spin bowling. The man with a bowling plan unknown by all including himself. We are 100% certain this man will contribute very well in our fine sessions and is likely to bring his own support group with him once again although it may be a different support group than last time he showed up. No show is the man who will visit places that no one should ever enter and has information to prove it.

  • Jack (Nudge No 16) Cowled

    Jack (NUDGE) Cowled. Nudge is quite the cricketer, so he believes. The man signs up to play cricket every year and is the only person that spends less time on the park than SPEED. Will be travelling to CM on his own whenever he can get here. Boasts that he has hit Josh Hazelwood for a six but can’t produce the evidence. This man LOVES a drink, if fact he is quite happy to stay in the bath all night with a can. As one of the sponsors he comes to the cricket to ensure his money is well spent. Once again, he is looking forward to another eventful tour.

  • James (Speed No 34) Reynolds

    James "Speed" Reynolds. Has given up his job as the part time Tuk Tuk driver due to the fact he is the big man in the team and now finds it hard to fit into the Tuk Tuk. Don't let this man's name fool you he IS fast. he can outrun a 3-month-old child (Slightly faster than chef). This guy loves a beer whenever and wherever so he will once again to ensure the bar at the ground is well supported. The family is attending this year which is a good thing because the pace of the big fella is a sight to behold, hence he has enlisted the younger version of himself TOM to do the work required on the ground. His beautiful wife Tanya and his daughter Sarah will also be attending and we are sure he will get the support he needs to get through the week once again

  • Jason (Wombat No 23) Hicks

    Jason (WOMBAT) Hicks– This guy has been practising once again in the local cricket comp (we wont discuss his results but you can ask him if you wish). He has in the past year decided that the most appropriate course of action for him was to marry the publican and major sponsor of the team, his lovely wife Nicky. What he didn't realise is that his lovely wife has now also put a team in the ladies competition and he is now the coach weather he liked it or not. WE are certain of one thing, there will be plenty of late nights/early mornings with way to much alcohol which he uses as pain relief. . This eating machine will be working on trying every Thai dish in town once again which is why he looks and is named wombat. Lovable guy with a heart of gold we would be lost without him. he also brings this year his extended family to compete in both competitions.

  • Mark (Woodzee No 99 ) Wood

    Mark (WOODY, WOOD HE, WOODSEY SHOULD HE WOODZEEE) Wood. Who knows how many names this bloke has had but he has always been the super quick little wicket keeper for our team for years (not so quick these days). He has the ritual from hell to get ready for the game. the strapping and support he wears is enough to keep the space shuttle held together. The bus leaves 1/2Hr early just so he can get ready. We appreciate his speed behind the stumps to save some runs but the main reason we love him behind the stumps is because he doesn't know how to bowl to save his live. Has had an in between tour to come and see the Thailand MOTO GP and then do some bike touring in the northern mountains of Thailand which he thoroughly enjoyed

  • Owen (Chips No 69) Pringle

    Well what can we tell you about Chips? He is the former owner of the Bondi beach bar in Patong, and longtime supporter of the Phuket cricket. DO not ask for directions as this man got himself lost at sea for quite sometime before being found by the Indian coast guard. one other thing we do know is that no drink has scared him yet so once again he will endeavour to try and find one that does, he's a funny bloke with a great attitude towards cricket and with many friends at the CM cricket sixes we are confident if he is not in our tent he will be at the bar.

  • Slavco (Slav No 86) Erak

    Slavko (SLAV, Slavco) Erak. Many people would know the Slav (AKA Richard Rattenbury) from previous trips as he is an unforgettably individual . The man that is always on a mission unfortunately sometimes even he is unsure what mission he is on. Has once again requested the assistance of his beautiful wife Pene to get him around after a few vodka redbulls. Will once again enjoy the company of good friends’ great cricket and a beer or two. One thing is for sure he will again have a great time during the tournament and will be for at least one night a great support of his mate at the german bar

  • Thomas (TOM No 52) Reynolds

    Thomas (TOM) Reynolds, well what can we say about this kid, he is in someways like his father (Speed) in that he doesn't like to run and would prefer to hit boundaries, in other ways he is total different as this kid does have some talent. Tour virgin and has been looking forward to this trip since 2020 when he was first planning to come. we are sure that when not playing cricket he will have his head down playing his phone until he works out how amazing this country is. He will be attending the slip and slide as all virgins do and we are sure he will enjoy the trip with the rest of the family.

Sons of Pitches Supporters

  • A OMO

    Our legendary bus driver, This amazing women has been our bus driver since day dot and keeps us all in line to get to and from games and tours on time every time. She doesn't know how to be late she is always very early waiting for the team and doing multiple trips for our group. She loves her home country and loves her bikes and drinks (Gin and Tonic). if "A" is not on the road in the bus she will be cruising on the bike. In 2024 A also attended the Thailand Moto GP in Buriram where she enjoyed every minute, but as usual she was working whilst there also. Great lady with a heart of gold and great that she is back on board once again.

  • Keith (Chef) Roddom

    Keith(CHEF) Roddom. As per normal Santa Claus is coming to town albeit 4 months late like every year, We are confident in chefs drinking abilities to upset many who wish to drink with him, as he has drunk many people under the table over the years. Chef only wishes to be a supporter once again this year, which we think is wise as between him and speed they could make the lentgh of the pitch even if the ball was lost in the bar. We are positive that he will influence some peoples cricketing ability this year with a session or two and we are certain you will see him and hear him around the grounds as he visit all his friend he has made over the years at this tournament.

  • Kerri (Kez 14) Hicks

    This is Kerri’s first overseas trip. Kerri will not only be in Chiang Mai to play in the ladies comp but will also be a supporter to her Husband Adam (Dump) playing for the Son’s of Pitches team. We know that Kerri is looking forward to the nightlife and will take on the role of drinking for 2 as her Husband doesn’t drink. I am sure she will be in constant contact with home as she is leaving her Son home alone in charge of the Farm and animals

  • Laurie (Truck) Moy

    Laurie (truck) Moy, well what an appropriate nickname, Not much is known of the Truck other than its his first trip to the cricket and he is great mates with Slav, now that could be fun as the Slav has some very interesting friends. One thing is, if he is friends with Slav he will enjoy a drink and be a great all round bloke so if you see him at the cricket say hello and have a beer.

  • Nicky (the Publican) Ross

    Nicky (the publican) Ross. Well what can we say, she is n longer just the publican after an amazing day she is also now the wife of Wombat. Nicky is the loudest supported of the team as most people found out last year, but we are unsure how her voice will hold out now she has put in her own team in the ladies division (The Down Under Diva's). we are sure that she will be frequenting many bars trying all sorts of drinks and food to see if there's a new product to import into Australia. As she missed the slip and slide as a tour virgin last year we are certain that she will make up for it this year with some virgins in her own team.

  • Penne Erak

    This lovely lady has a heart of gold and the strength of nobody we know. The sons of pitches pharmacy she is and comes prepared to keep all the team on the field thoughout the week. this woman knows full well whats she is doing as she has been the support of our team since before its inception. She loves her man SLAV and puts up with the altered ego Richard Rattenbury. She will watch over Slav during their time in Thailand, so he doesn't wind up in jail or something stupid. we are confident Penne will get the other half home at some stage and hopefully in one piece. If you want to have a drink with the legend Penne just ask i am sure she will have a few with you.

  • Rails (Razer) Rodham

    Rails (Razer) Rodham is the better half of Chef. The shot size supporter has been with us for every year. Our little pocket rocket loves the sun and the pool with a few (OK a Lot) of drinks mixed in. she will once again grace us with her presence and we are lucky to have her along as it saves us from managing the Chef. She has signed up to start her cricketing career this year with the Down Under Divas so it looks like Chef is going to be doing the hard yards supporting and teaching the finer art of cricket to the lovely Razer.

  • Sarah (Sahar) Reynolds

    Sarah's first trip overseas so she is very excited to be finally travelling with mum and dad, this young lady with attitude to boot (sometimes good sometimes not so good). We are certain she will enjoy shopping, shopping and did we say shopping, she's not really into cricket as she has had to spend too many Saturdays sitting on the sideline watching her brother TOM playing. She has a couple of friends in the Down under Divas team that she will enjoy spending time in the pool with and obviously shopping with.

  • Tanya (Speedette) Reynolds

    Well where do we start with this lady. She is the better half (by a long way) of Speed, she has been putting up with him travelling to Thailand for cricket for about 20 years. She puts up with Wombat and Speed and this year Nicky as well, organising clothing, sorting clothing and delivery after its been laid out all over the house each year. NOW its her turn to enjoy the sights, sounds and smells of the amazing cooking and scenery throughout Thailand. Although not the avid cricket follower we are sure she will be watching at least Tom. She is the proud mum of her two babies Tom and Sarah who are travelling to the land of smiles for the first time and these babies actually tower over her these days.

  • The Hick's Clan

    Well as we know Wombat has bought his brother to help in the sons of pitches and his wife to play in the Down Under Divas, but there are a few more supporters in the Wombat family who will be great support to both teams. There is Mum Odette ( Nan Wombat 33 ) Hicks, Kids Danika (7) Hicks and Elyssa (Brutie) Hicks and Niece Maddi (Ranga 27) Hicks. We are certain they will enjoy their time at the cricket but there time by the pool and shopping will probably be the highlight for them.